My Mommy's Pizza!

No you cant say this isnt the best pizza recipe, because its my mom's! My childhood memories consist of this pizza! I add 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 white flour for a healthier twist. You can also sprinkle a little cornmeal on your pizza sheet before spreading out the dough. It helps it not stick and gives a little crunch. I also place my pizza on the bottom rack for 2 minutes after its all cooked just to crisp the bottom.

Shrumy Pizza
Crust: mix together in large bowl:
2 pck. Dry yeast
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp sugar
2 cup flour

add;2 c. warm water 2 tbsp. oil

add;4 c. flour

1 (15oz) can tomato sauce
1 tsp dry onion flakes
2 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp garlic powder

Press pizza dough onto a large greased pan. Add thin coat of sauce; spread with spoon.
Toppings; ground parmesean cheese on top of the sauce, ½ to 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/2 cup shredded chedder, pepperoni and pineapple chunks or browned sausage, olive, mushrooms, etc.
Bake 425 for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Makes 2 large pizzas.