Ok this is the best fudge Ive ever had by far! Maryanne Mulkay came to my house and helped me make these for my easter goodie bag sales. This recipe is sooooo easy to make, just make sure you get it to the proper 325 or it wont set up right. Mmmmmm so good!
1 lb. margarine
2 – 12 oz pkg. chocolate chips
1 – 10 ½ oz miniature marshmallows
9 cups sugar
2 lg. cans evaporated milk
4 tsp vanilla
Put 2 cubes margarine, chocolate chips, marshmallows, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
Bring sugar, milk and 2 cubes margarine to boil and cook to 235 degrees stirring constantly. (This is the part that makes or breaks the fudge so make sure you have a good candy thermometer for this one! It will take a good 10 minutes or longer of boiling to get to the perfect temp).
Pour over mixture in bowl and beat until creamy with electric mixer.
Pour into foil lined case box. (cosco gives these big boxes out to pack your food, otherwise you can use a 9x13 and an 8x8 pan).
*It is very important that the mixture reach a full 235 degrees or it will not set properly.