Yep! That's right, Crepe's! They are really super easy to make and even easier to eat! hee hee.
3 egggs
1 cup milk
1/3 cup water
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 1/2 Tblsp melted butter
Beat eggs and add to the milk and water, beating either by hand or mixing in a blender. Sift the flour with the salt and gradually add to the egg and milk mixutre. Add the unsalted butter and blend thoroughly. Allow to stand for atleast an hour before using. If too thick, add a little more water. Pour one to two Tblsp of the batter in the center of a hot, lightly oiled fry pan. Tip the pan to spread the batter and cook until top is dry. Turn over and cook for 15 seconds on the other side. Makes 12 Crepes. (You want the crepe mix to be much more runny than pancake batter).
I like to spread a little nutella inside each crepe, add sliced strawberries and bananas and top with cool whip.